

发布日期:2024-08-15 22:58  点击次数:197



In recent years, the popularity of electronic sports or e-sports has been on the rise. E-sport is a form of competition using video games, where professional gamers compete against each other for huge prizes. However, the industry has been struggling with its reputation and recognized as an illegitimate sport. Luckily, there is one game that is slowly but surely coming to the forefront to save the industry – League of Legends (LOL).

What is League of Legends?

League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games. The game has gained immense popularity since it was released in 2009. It is the most played video game in the world, with over 100 million monthly active users. It is a game that requires a lot of strategy, teamwork, and quick decision-making, making it an excellent candidate for professional esports competitions.

The Success of Esports through League of Legends

The rise of esports has been made possible by games like League of Legends. The success of the game has made it possible for esports to finally be considered as legitimate sports. This is due to the appeal of the game, which has attracted millions of players and viewers worldwide. The game has been successful in creating a platform where professional gamers can compete at the highest level, making it a viable career option for many.

League of Legends Competitions

The success of League of Legends in the esports industry is evident from the numerous competitions and tournaments held worldwide. The game has its professional league, which is the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS), where top teams compete against each other for the championship title and huge monetary prizes. This is an excellent opportunity for players to showcase their skills and gain international recognition.

The biggest League of Legends competition is the World Championship, which is held annually. It is an international competition where teams from different regions compete against each other, making it a global event. The winners of the competition get a trophy and a massive prize pool. The 2019 World Championship finals alone had 100 million unique viewers, proving the popularity of the game and the industry.

League of Legends and its Impact on the Esports Industry

League of Legends has had a significant impact on the esports industry. It has created opportunities for many people to make a living playing and competing in the game. With its success, other game publishers and developers have been encouraged to invest in esports and create their own professional leagues, which has further contributed to the growth of the industry. The game has also improved the perception of esports, making it more legitimate and accepted by the general public.


In conclusion, League of Legends has been the game that has saved the esports industry. Due to its popularity and success, esports competitions have been recognized as a legitimate form of sports, making it a viable career option for many. The game has given numerous people the opportunity to make a living through their passion for gaming, while also entertaining millions of viewers worldwide. With the continued success of League of Legends, it is exciting to see what the future holds for both the game and the industry.

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